22 янв. 2021 г.

2nd release of Tzimmerit - Pines und Spruces


January 22, 2021 St. Petersburg label Inhermanland Files published 21th release - EP of electronic project Tzimmerit from Saint Petersburg under title Pines und Spruces in the form of 3 WAV tracks. All presented material was recorded in October, 2020.
This release is available in various formats in file-hostings as BandCamp und Yadisk.

22 января 2021 года петербургский лейбл Inhermanland Files выпустил 21-й релиз - ЕР электронного проекта Tzimmerit из Санкт-Петербурга под названием Pines und Spruces (Сосны и Ели) в виде 3-х WAV треков. Весь представленный материал был записан в октябре 2020.
Релиз доступен в различных форматах на BandCamp и Яндекс Диске.

All info in Label catalog:

8 дек. 2019 г.

Tzimmerit - 105

December 08, 2019 St. Petersburg label Inhermanland Files released 20th release - the 1st debut album of industrial project Tzimmerit from Saint Petersburg under title 105 in the form of 7 WAV tracks. All presented material was recorded from January to December 2019.
This release is available in various formats in file-hostings as BandCamp und Yandex Disk.

08 декабря 2019 года петербургский лейбл Inhermanland Files выпустил 20-й релиз - первый дебютный альбом индастриал проекта Tzimmerit из Санкт-Петербурга под названием 105 в виде 7-и WAV треков. Весь представленный материал был записан с января по декабрь 2019.
Релиз доступен в различных форматах на BandCamp и Яндекс Диске.

All info in Label catalog:

26 дек. 2017 г.

Brodami - Собаки Ингрии Dogs of Ingria

December 26, 2017 St. Petersburg label Inhermanland Files released 19th release - the 1st debut single of neofolk project Brodami from Saint Petersburg under title Собаки Ингрии Dogs of Ingria in the form of 3 FLAC/MP3 tracks. All presented material was recorded from August to December 2017.

26 декабря 2017 года петербургский лейбл Inhermanland Files выпустил 19-й релиз - первый дебютный сингл неофолк проекта Brodami из Санкт-Петербурга под названием Собаки Ингрии Dogs of Ingria в виде 3-х FLAC/MP3 треков. Весь представленный материал был записан с августа по декабрь 2017.

All info in Label catalog: http://inhermanland.blogspot.com/p/catalog.html

9 апр. 2016 г.

Interview with Borislav Vakinov - head of Fasci Di Combattimento

Interview with Borislav Vakinov - head of Fasci Di Combattimento

IF: What does the title of your musical project means?

FDC: It simply translates as "The Combat Band" (as a military formation) or just "The Combat Group".it has very little  to do with any political ideology. I took the name from the Italian organization officially called  "Fasci Italiani di Combattimento" and created by Mussolini in 1914. Yeah, i know. This automatically makes me a fascist or a neo-Nazi, right?! Well, human ignorance, narrow-mindedness and stupidity are blooming in this generation and nowadays.  Nothing surprises me anymore. A name is just a name and it doesn't mean much if it's not intended in that way. For example:  If i decide to name my next project ''Skull and Bones'', does that makes me a free mason, Illuminati or a member a secret society? The answer is simple. It doesn't!

IF: Tell the story of your music project. How it all began?

FDC: Well, the initial idea was born in early 2009, and it finally began to took shape in July-August of the same year. Since i already had a sort of a martial industrial / electronic background in the face of "Schutzstaffel", the next logical step for me was to evolve into something different and rather personal.
read full text of interview in interviews block:

15 мар. 2016 г.

Fasci Di Combattimento - A New World

March 15, 2016 St. Petersburg label Inhermanland Files released 18th release - the 1st full-length album of martial industrial project Fasci Di Combattimento from Bulgary under title A New World in the form of 10 FLAC/MP3 tracks. All presented material was recorded in 2014-15. 

15 марта 2016 года петербургский лейбл Inhermanland Files выпустил 18-й релиз - первый полноформатный альбом мартиал индастриал проекта Fasci Di Combattimento из Болгарии под названием A New World [Новый Мир] в виде 10-ти FLAC/MP3 треков. Весь представленный материал был записан в 2014-15.

All info in Label catalog: http://inhermanland.blogspot.com/p/catalog.html